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- Yaegaki, Hideaki 1
- Yagoubi, Y. 5
- Yagoubi, Yathreb 3
- Yagüe Carrasco, María Rosa 12
- Yagüe-Ruiz, Cristina 1
- Yagüe, C. 2
- Yahyaoui, Mohamed Habib 2
- Yalçin, Ismet 1
- Yamaguchi, Masami 1
- Yamaji, Keiko 4
- Yamanaka, Toshiro 1
- Yamane, Hisayo 2
- Yánez Ruiz, D.R. 1
- Yáñez-Ruiz, David 2
- Yániz Pérez de Albéniz, Jesús 1
- Yanore, L. 1
- Ylla, Guillerm 1
- Yobrégat, Olivier 2
- Yogoubi, Y. 2
- Yoneda, Emi 1