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Showing results 25 to 44 of 66 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Fine mapping of self‐compatibility locus in sweet cherry: abstractCachi, Ariana M.; Wünsch, Ana
2017Firmness QTL mapping using an 'Ambrunés' x 'Sweetheart' sweet cherry populationBalas, Francisco; López Corrales, Margarita; Serradilla, Manuel; Cai, Lichun; Iezzoni, Amy; Wünsch, Ana
2020Genetic analysis of phenolic compounds in sweet cherryCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Wünsch, Ana; Serradilla, M.J.
2024Genetic and QTL analysis of sugars and acids content in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)Gracia Latre, Clara; Calle Calderón, Alejandro; Gasic, Ksenija; Arias, Esther; Wünsch, Ana
2020Genetic dissection of bloom time in low chilling sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) using a multi-family QTL approachCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Cai, Lichun; Iezzoni, Amy; Wünsch, Ana
2013Genetic diversity and self-incompatibility studies in sweet cherryCachi, Ariana M.; Wünsch, Ana
2020Genetic Diversity of Local Peach (Prunus persica) Accessions from La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain)Pérez, Verónica; Larrañaga, Nerea; Abdallah, Donia; Wünsch, Ana; Hormaza Urroz, José Ignacio
2014Genetic structure of sweet cherry with 6K SNP array v1 [abstract]Martínez Royo, Alberto; Wünsch, Ana
2018Genome re-sequencing of diverse sweet cherry (Prunus avium) individuals reveals a modifier gene mutation conferring pollen-part self-compatibilityOno, Kentaro; Akagi, Takashi; Morimoto, Takuya; Wünsch, Ana; Tao, Ryutaro
2018Genome Re-Sequencing of Diverse Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium) Individuals Reveals a Modifier Gene Mutation Conferring Pollen-Part Self-CompatibilityOno, Kentaro; Akagi, Takashi; Morimoto, Takuya; Wünsch, Ana; Tao, Ryutaro
2014Identificación de los alelos S de incompatibilidad en cerezos silvestres del norte de la península Ibérica: abstractCachi, Ariana M.; Wünsch, Ana; Vilanova, A.; Guardiola, N.; Ciordia, M.; Aleta, N.
2018Identificación de QTLs que determinan la fecha de floración de una variedad local de cerezo de floración extra-temprana para su uso en la mejora del cultivoCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Cai, Lichun; Iezzoni, Amy; Wünsch, Ana
2022Identificación y cuantificación de azúcares simples y ácidos orgánicos en familias de cerezo para análisis genéticosGracia Latre, Clara; Calle Calderón, Alejandro; Arias, Esther; Wünsch, Ana
2021Identification and characterization of Dam genes mutations associated with low-chilling and early blooming in sweet cherry (póster)Calle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec, Loïck; Wünsch, Ana
2021Identification and characterization of DAMs mutations associated with early blooming in sweet cherry, and validation of DNA-based markers for selectionCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec,L.; Wünsch, Ana
2021Identification and Characterization of DAMs Mutations Associated With Early Blooming in Sweet Cherry, and Validation of DNA-Based Markers for SelectionCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec, Loïck; Wünsch, Ana
2010Identification of a microsatellite marker linked to self-compatibility in "Cristobalina" sweet cherryWünsch, Ana; Cachi, Ariana M.
2007Identification of AFLP markers linked to self-compatibility in "Cristobalina" sweet cherry (abstract)Cachi, Ariana M.; Wünsch, Ana
2022Identification of Key Genes Related to Dormancy Control in Prunus Species by Meta-Analysis of RNAseq DataCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Saski, Christopher; Wünsch, Ana; Grimplet, Jérôme; Gasic, Ksenija
2021Informe del proyecto "Estudio de caracteres de interés en la mejora y producción de cerezo. Incompatibilidad floral y calidad de fruto" (RTA2015-00027-00-00)Wünsch, Ana; Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón - CITA

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