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Showing results 1 to 20 of 105  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20152020 Common agricultural policy in Spain. General equilibrium effects of a EU28 budget dealBoulanger, Pierre; Philippidis, George
20172030 European agricultural policy: A new CAP at a crossroad between market competitiveness and sustainabilityBoulanger, Pierre; Dudu, Hasan; Ferrari, Emanuele; M'Barek, Robert; Philippidis, George
2006A comprehensive guide to CGE: theory and practiceKaraca, Orham; Philippidis, George
2011A recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model for agricultura policy analysis in Spain. Part I: Building a CGE data basePhilippidis, George; Bourne, Michael Geoffrey; Childs, Jack Edward
2011A recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model for agricultura policy analysis in Spain. Part II: Modifications to the Standard ORIGANI-G model frameworkPhilippidis, George; Bourne, Michael Geoffrey; Childs, Jack Edward; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2008Accesion to the European Union: implications for turkish agro-food sectorsKaraca, Orham; Philippidis, George
2018AGLINK-COSIMO: Economic Impact on Agriculture of a Low Carbon EconomyJensen, Hans Grinsted; Fellmann, Thomas; Pérez Domínguez, Ignacio; Charlebois, Pierre; Philippidis, George
2019Alternative Global Transition Pathways to 2020: Prospects for the Bioeconomy : An application of the MAGNET model with SDG insightsM'Barek, Robert; Philippidis, George; Ronzon, Tevecia
2011An Analysis of the Potential Impact of the Elimination of EU Export Refunds for Developing CountriesRevoredo Giha, Cesar; Philippidis, George; Toma, Luiza; Renwick, Alan
2019Analysis of Future Agricultural Policies: What Impact has the Parametrization of Agricultural Support?Boulanger, Pierre; Boysen-Urban, Kirsten; Philippidis, George
2016Analysis of structural patterns in highly disaggregated bio-based sectors on EU member state level with IO multipliersFerrari, Emanuele; Mainar Causapé, Alfredo; M'Barek, Robert; Philippidis, George; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2017Analysis of structural patterns in highly disaggregated bioeconomy sectors by EU Member States using SAM/IO multipliersMainar Causapé, Alfredo; Philippidis, George; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2007Una aproximación cuantitativa de largo plazo a los impactos de las reformas liberales de la PAC en la UE mediante el modelo de GTAPRamos Argudo, Ramón; Philippidis, George
2023Assessing the Bioeconomy's Contribution to Evidence-Based Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Value Added MeasurementsPhilippidis, George; Ronzon, Tevecia; Gurria, Patricia; Carus, Michael; Cingiz, Kutay; El-Meligi, Andrea; Hark, Nicolas; Iost, Susanne; M'Barek, Robert; van Leeuwen, Myrna; Wesseler, Justus
2024Assessing the bioeconomy’s contribution to evidence-based policy: A comparative analysis of value added measurementsRonzon, Tevecia; Gurria, Patricia; Carus, Michael; Cingiz, Kutay; El-Meligi, Andrea; Hark, Nicolas; Iost, Susanne; M’barek, Robert; Philippidis, George; van Leeuwen, Myrna; Wesseler, Justus
2008Assessing the impact of GM animal feed restrictions in the UK/EU livestock sectorsPhilippidis, George
2019Assessing the impacts of the EU bioeconomy on third countries : potential environmental impacts in Brazil of EU biofuel demand to 2030Follador, Marco; Philippidis, George; Davis, Juliana; Soares-Filho, Britaldo
2018BioSAMs for the EU Member States: Constructing Social Accounting Matrices with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economyMainar Causapé, Alfredo; Philippidis, George; Caivano, Arnaldo
2021Brazil’s sugarcane embitters the EU-Mercosur trade talksFollador, Marco; Soares-Filho, Britaldo Silveira; Philippidis, George; Davis, Juliana Leroy; de Oliveira, Amanda Ribeiro; Rajao, Raoni
2019Brexit: How might UK Agriculture Thrive or Survive?. Final reportHubbard, Carmen; Davis, John; Feng, Siyi; Harvey, David; Liddon, Anne; Moxey, Andrew; Ojo, Mercy; Patton, Myles; Philippidis, George; Scott, Charles; Shrestha, Shailesh; Wallace, Michael

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