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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Analysis of Management Practices and Breeders Perceptions of Climate Changes Impact to Enhance the Resilience of Sheep Production Systems: A Case Study in the Tunisian Semi-Arid ZoneMohamed-Brahmi, Aziza; Ameur, Mehrez; Mekki, Ilyes; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Nasraoui, Masarra; Yagoubi, Yathreb; Smeti, Samir; Ben Saïd, Samia; Atti, Naziha; Lobón Ascaso, Sandra; Mahouachi, Mokhtar
2021Best practices for targeted policies to enhance ecosystem services in European livestock agroecosystemsMartín Collado, Daniel; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Bernués Jal, Alberto
2022Can local policy options reverse the decline process of small and marginalized rural areas influenced by global change?Tenza Peral, Alicia; Pérez Ibarra, I.; Breceda, A.; Martínez Fernández, J.; Giménez, A.
2024Can traditional management practices help mountain livestock farms in the Spanish Pyrenees cope with climate change?Muñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Martín Collado, Daniel; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Villalba Mata, Daniel
2022Contribution of grazing areas to small ruminant production systems in the Mediterranean countriesLobón Ascaso, Sandra; Aboul Naga, A.; Mohamed Brahmi, A.; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Salah, E.; Ameur, M.; Joy Torrens, Margalida; Nasraoui, M.; Abdelsabour, T.; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel
2021Exploración preliminar del impacto del cambio climático sobre los sistemas ganaderos de montaña en el Pirineo aragonésMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Martín Collado, Daniel; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Villalba Mata, Daniel
2023Exploring climate change adaptation strategies form the perspective of Mediterranean sheep farmersMartín Collado, Daniel; Lobón Ascaso, Sandra; Joy Torrens, Margalida; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Mohamed-Brahmi, A.; Yagoubi, Y.; Stark, F.; Lurette, A.; Abuoul Naga, A.; Salah, E.; Tenza Peral, Alicia
2021Exploring the effects of innovations on the sustainability of sheep farming systems in SpainTenza Peral, Alicia; Villalba Mata, Daniel; Rodríguez Ortega, Tamara; Bernués Jal, Alberto
2024Exploring the role of traditional management practices to cope with climate change in mountain areasMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Martín Collado, Daniel; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Villalba Mata, Daniel
2022Farmer views of best climate change adaptation strategies for sheep farming in the MediterraneanMartín Collado, Daniel; Lobón Ascaso, Sandra; Joy Torrens, Margalida; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Mohamed Brahmi, A.; Yagoubi, Y.; Stark, F.; Laurette, A.; Abuoul Naga, A.; Salah, E.; Tenza Peral, Alicia
2024Participatory approaches and Social Network Analysis to analyse the emergence of collective action for rural development: a case study in the Spanish PyreneesTestona, M.; Sturaro, E.; Muñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Raniolo, S.; Pisani, E.; Pachoud, C.; Ramanzin, M.; Martín Collado, Daniel
2022Targeting best agricultural practices to enhance ecosystem services in European mountainsBernués Jal, Alberto; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Gómez Baggethun, E.; Clemetsen, M.; Eik, L.O.; Martín Collado, Daniel
2022Viabilidad de sistemas mixtos de pastoreo de ovino y cultivo de almendros en condiciones de secano en TeruelLobón Ascaso, Sandra; Isla Climente, Ramón; Cirujeda Ranzenberger, Alicia; Mirás Avalos, José Manuel; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Pardo Sanclemente, Gabriel; Calvo Lacosta, Jorge Hugo; Blanco Alibés, Mireia; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Joy Torrens, Margalida
2023Visión de los ganaderos sobre las estrategias de manejo de las explotaciones de ovino para adaptarse al cambio climático en el MediterráneoMartín Collado, Daniel; Lobón Ascaso, Sandra; Joy Torrens, Margalida; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Mohamed-Brahmi, A.; Yagoubi, Y.; Stark, F.; Laurette, A.; Abuoul Naga, A.; Salah, E.; Tenza Peral, Alicia

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