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Showing results 4238 to 4257 of 6525 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A Machine Learning Approach Investigating Consumers Familiarity with and Involvement in the Just Noticeable Color Difference and Cured Color Characterization ScaleRipoll García, Guillermo; Panea Doblado, Begoña; Latorre Górriz, María Angeles
2003Macro- and micro-aggregate stability of soils determined by a combination of wet-sieving and laser-ray diffractionAmézketa Lizárraga, Esperanza; Aragüés Lafarga, Ramón; Carranza, Raúl; Urgel Cabrera, Beatriz
2013Maduración de la carneAlbertí Lasalle, Pere
2017La maduración de la carne bovina ¿es necesaria?Ripoll García, Guillermo
2021MAGNA and BLANQ Series: Two Yellow-fleshed and Three White-fleshed NectarinesFont i Forcada, Carolina; Reig, Gemma; Fontich, Christian; Batlle, I.; Alegre, S.; Cantín Mardones, Celia María; Eduardo, Iban; Carbó, Joaquim; Maillard, Arsene; Maillar, Laurence; Bonany, Joan
2019Making Sense of Information Overload: Consumer Ranking of Nutritional Claims in Cereal Based ProductsGracia Royo, Azucena; Barreiro Hurlé, Jesús
2020Making Use of Sustainable Local Plant Genetic Resources: Would Consumers Support the Recovery of a Traditional Purple Carrot?Gracia Royo, Azucena; Sánchez Gómez, Ana María; Jurado Gómez, Francesc; Mallor Giménez, Cristina
2015¿Mala hierba nunca muere? ¿O tal vez cambia la flora arvense? Observaciones en los campos de AragónCirujeda Ranzenberger, Alicia; Aibar Lete, Joaquín
2018Mala hierba... siempre se adapta. Retos en la MalherbologíaCirujeda Ranzenberger, Alicia
2003Las malas hierbas y la importancia de su reconocimiento precozZaragoza Larios, Carlos
2022Male Meiosis as a Biomarker for Endo- to Ecodormancy Transition in ApricotHerrera Lagranja, Sara; Lora, Jorge; Fadón Adrián, Erica; Hedhli Khaterchi, Afif; Alonso Segura, José Manuel; Hormaza Urroz, José Ignacio; Rodrigo García, Francisco Javier
2013Malherbología: ciencia agronómica con repercusiones socialesZaragoza Larios, Carlos
2008Management of herbicide-resistant weed populations. 100 questions on resistanceTaberner Palou, Andreu; Cirujeda Ranzenberger, Alicia; Zaragoza Larios, Carlos
2019Management strategies that harness the adaptive capacities of small ruminants to improve herd resilience and efficiency Presentation of the ADAPT-HERD projectPuillet, L.; Aboul Naga, A.; Atti, N.; Douhard, F.; Friggens, N.C.; González García, E.; Joy Torrens, Margalida; Mahamed, A.; Valls-Fox, H.
2019Management strategies to improve environmental and economic outcomes of sheep farms in Norwegian coastal and fjord areas. 1. Sustainable use of home-grown feed resources and rangeland pasturesBhatti, M.A.; Eik, Lars Olav; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Singh, B.R.; Steinheim, G.; Adnoy, T.; Asheim, L.J.
2023Managing climate risks: New evidence from integrated analysis at the basin scaleBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Ward, Frank; Kahil, Taher; Esteban, Encarna; Uche, Javier; Calvo, Elena; Crespo Estage, Daniel
2023Managing climate risks: New evidence from integrated analysis at the basin scaleBaccour, Safa
2023Managing the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus under future climate water stress scenarios in the Ebro Basin (Spain)Baccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Ward, Frank; Kahil, Mohamed Taher; Esteban Gracia, Encarna; Uche Marcuello, Javier; Calvo Calzada, Elena
2014La mancha bacteriana de los frutales de hueso y del almendro (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni): una enfermedad emergentePalacio Bielsa, Ana
2009La mancha bacteriana de los frutales de hueso y del almendro. Xanthomonas arboricola pv. PruniPalacio Bielsa, Ana; Cambra Alvarez, Miguel Angel; Lozano Tomás, Carlos María

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