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Showing results 5403 to 5422 of 6520 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023QMielTeruel Caracterización y tipificación de la miel de Teruel: hacia un distintivo de calidadEnseñat Ortiz, María Fernanda; Valero López, María Isabel
2007QTL Analyses in Multiple Populations Employed for the Fine Mapping and Identification of Candidate Genes atArgyris, Jason M.; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora; Ruggieri, Valentin; Jahrmann, Torben; Monforte, Antonio J.; García-Mas, Jordi
2018QTL analysis of flowering time in sweet cherryCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Cai, Lichun; Iezzoni, Amy; Wünsch, Ana
2006QTL de las concentraciones plasmáticas de colesterol y triglicéridos en porcinoGallardo, D.; Pena, R.N.; Amills, M.; Varona, L.; Ramírez, O.; Soler, J.; Tibau, J.; Reixach, J.; Díaz, I.; Prat, J.M.; Noguera, J.L.; Quintanilla, R.
2020QTL mapping in multiple sweet Cherry populations reveal LG4 as major determinant of fruit development, maturity and quality traitsCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Wünsch, Ana
2023Qtl mapping of sugar content in sweet cherryGracia Latre, Clara; Calle Calderón, Alejandro; Gasic, Ksenija; Arias, Esther; Wünsch, Ana
2013A qualitative research on Spanish farmers and citizens perceptions of ecosystem services provided by mountain livestock farmingBernués Jal, Alberto; Rodríguez Ortega, Tamara; Ripoll Bosch, Raimon; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel
2013A qualitative research on Spanish farmers and citizens perceptions of ecosystem services provided by mountain livestock farmingBernués Jal, Alberto; Rodríguez Ortega, Tamara; Ripoll Bosch, Raimon; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel
2018Quality and Safety of Meat ProductsPanea Doblado, Begoña; Ripoll García, Guillermo
2020Quality and Safety of Meat ProductsPanea Doblado, Begoña; Ripoll García, Guillermo
2020Quality and Safety of Meat ProductsPanea Doblado, Begoña; Ripoll García, Guillermo
2018Quantifying ecosystem services to add value in pasture-based livestock systems (abstract)Bernués Jal, Alberto
2014Quantifying multifunctionality of pasture-based livestock systems in Mediterranean mountains: abstractBernués Jal, Alberto; Rodríguez Ortega, Tamara; Ripoll Bosch, Raimon; Alfnes, Frode
2009Quantifying potential trade distortion from the single farm paymentPhilippidis, George; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2019Quantifying public attitudes towards consumption of meat produced from genome edited animalsKirk, T.W.D.; Crowley, J.; Martín Collado, Daniel; Whitelaw, C.B.A.
2023Quantitative analysis of almond yield response to irrigation regimes in Mediterranean SpainMirás Avalos, José Manuel; González Dugo, Victoria; García Tejero, Iván F.; López Urrea, Ramón; Intrigliolo Molina, Diego Sebastiano; Egea, Gregorio
2011Quantitative and qualitative expression of self -Compatibility in almondSocias i Company, Rafel; Fernández i Martí, Angel V.; Ossama, Kodad; Alonso Segura, José Manuel
2023¿Qué es un AKIS? De la transferencia científica unidireccional a la formación de una redBarba Recreo, Marta
2016Qué es y cómo funciona la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP). Particularidades del Área AgriculturaFernández Luque, José Enrique
2019¿Qué espera la sociedad de los ganaderos de ovino de carne?Folch Pera, José

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