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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Fenotipado y estudio genético de la tolerancia al frío de variedades de almendro españolas autocompatiblesBielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Ávila Alonso, J.I.; Gómez Aguas, C.M.; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María Jos
2020Gene expression análisis shows differences in cold acclimation between three almond cultivarsBielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Ávila, Israel; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María José
2021Gene Expression Analysis in Cold Stress Conditions Reveals BBX20 and CLO as Potential Biomarkers for Cold Tolerance in AlmondBielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Ávila Alonso, Jorge Israel; Fernández i Martí, Angel V.; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María José
2019Genes de tolerancia al frío en almendroÁvila Alonso, Jorge Israel; Bielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María José
2024Genome editing in almond: A CRISPR-based approach through hairy root transformationJedličková, Veronika; Štefková, Marie; Sánchez López, Juan Francisco; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María José; Robert, Hélène S.
2022Genomic and Bioinformatic Resources for Perennial Fruit SpeciesGrimplet, Jérôme
2018Genómica en especies leñosasGrimplet, Jérôme
2018Genómica en especies leñosasGrimplet, Jérôme
2022The Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia: an innovative portal to integrate knowledge, resources and services for the grape scientific community and industryAlaux, Michael; Bombarely, Aureliano; Cantu, Dario; Carbonell, Pablo; Fasoli, Marianna; Grimplet, Jérôme; ...(et al.)
2022Identificación de genes involucrados en la arquitectura del almendro influenciados por el portainjerto mediante análisis transcriptómicoMontesinos Jóven, Álvaro; Rubio Cabetas, María José; Grimplet, Jérôme
2021Identificación de nuevos biomarcadores para la selección de genotipos de almendro tolerantes al frío (póster)Bielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Ávila Alonso, Jorge Israel; Grimplet, Jérôme; Rubio Cabetas, María José
2021Identification and characterization of Dam genes mutations associated with low-chilling and early blooming in sweet cherry (póster)Calle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec, Loïck; Wünsch, Ana
2021Identification and characterization of DAMs mutations associated with early blooming in sweet cherry, and validation of DNA-based markers for selectionCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec,L.; Wünsch, Ana
2021Identification and Characterization of DAMs Mutations Associated With Early Blooming in Sweet Cherry, and Validation of DNA-Based Markers for SelectionCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Grimplet, Jérôme; Le Dantec, Loïck; Wünsch, Ana
2023Identification of genes involved in almond scion tree architecture influenced by rootstock genotype using transcriptome analysisMontesinos Joven, Álvaro; Rubio Cabetas, María José; Grimplet, Jérôme
2022Identification of Key Genes Related to Dormancy Control in Prunus Species by Meta-Analysis of RNAseq DataCalle Calderón, Alejandro; Saski, Christopher; Wünsch, Ana; Grimplet, Jérôme; Gasic, Ksenija
2023An improved reference of the grapevine genome reasserts the origin of the PN40024 highly-homozygous genotypeVelt, Amandine; Frommer, Bianca; Blanc, Sophie; Holtgräwe, Daniela; Duchêne, Éric; Dumas, Vincent; Grimplet, Jérôme; Hugueney, Philippe; Kim, Catherine; Lahaye, Marie; Tomás Matus, José; Navarro-Payá, David; Orduña, Luis; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela K; Vitulo, Nicola; Ware, Doreen; Rustenholz, Camille
2022An improved reference of the grapevine genome supports reasserting the origin of the PN40024 highly-homozygous genotypeVelt, Amandine; Frommer, Bianca; Blanc, Sophie; Holtgräwe, Daniela; Duchene, Eric; Dumas, Vicent; Grimplet, Jérôme; ...(et al.)
2023Indicators of Sustainable Vineyard Soil Management: Metrics for Assessing Environmental ImpactsSilva Araujo, Emily; Grimplet, Jérôme; González García, Vicente; Zugasti López, Inés; Marco Montori, Pedro; Rubio Cabetas, María José; Sánchez Durán, Sergio; García Barreda, Sergi; Isla Climente, Ramón; Dechmi, Farida; Mirás Avalos, José Manuel
2023MEDPOME – STONE Valorización de germoplasma de ALMENDRO Y PERAL para asegurar su adaptación al cambio climático en el área MediterráneaEspiau Ramírez, María Teresa; Rubio Cabetas, María José; Bielsa Pérez, Beatriz; Grimplet, Jérôme

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