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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Applications of Genomic Tools in Plant Breeding: Crop BiofortificationMedina Lozano, Inés; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2020Assessment of Vitamin C and Anthocyanin Content of Lettuce Germplasm (Lactuca spp.)Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Medina Lozano, Inés
2021Effect of hydric stress on antioxidant compound content in commercial andtraditional lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and wild relatives (póster)Medina Lozano, Inés; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2022Estudio del valor nutricional y resiliencia frente a estrés hídrico de variedades comerciales y locales de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) y de especies silvestres relacionadas (Lactuca spp.)Medina Lozano, Inés
2025Harnessing the diversity of a lettuce wild relative to identify anthocyanin-related genes transcriptionally responsive to drought stressMedina Lozano, Inés; Grimplet, Jerome; Díaz Bermudez, Aurora
2024Impact of drought stress on vitamin C and anthocyanin content in cultivated lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.) and wild relatives (Lactuca spp.)Medina Lozano, Inés; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2020Improved UPLC-UV Method for the Quantification of Vitamin C in Lettuce Varieties (Lactuca sativa L.) and Crop Wild Relatives (Lactuca spp.)Medina Lozano, Inés; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Zufiaurre, Raquel; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2021Nutritional Value and Phytochemical Content of Crop Landraces and Traditional VarietiesMedina Lozano, Inés; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2021Nutritional value of commercial and traditional lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and wild relatives: vitamin C and anthocyanin contentMedina Lozano, Inés; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2023Selection of Novel Reference Genes by RNA-Seq and Their Evaluation for Normalising Real-Time qPCR Expression Data of Anthocyanin-Related Genes in Lettuce and Wild RelativesMedina Lozano, Inés; Arnedo Andrés, María Soledad; Grimplet, Jérôme; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2024Studies of genetic diversity and genome‐wide association for vitamin C content in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) using high‐throughput SNP arraysMedina Lozano, Inés; Bertolín Pardos, Juan Ramón; Plieske, Jörg; Ganal, Martin; Gnad, Heike; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2022Using Plant-Based Preparations to Protect Common Bean against Halo Blight Disease: The Potential of Nettle to Trigger the Immune SystemDe la Rubia, Alfonso Gonzalo; De Castro, María; Medina Lozano, Inés; García Angulo, Penélope
2022Validación de nuevos genes de referencia para estudios de expresión diferencial de genes involucrados en la síntesis de antocianinas en lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.) y especies silvestres relacionadasMedina Lozano, Inés; Arnedo Andrés, María Soledad; Grimplet, Jérôme; Díaz Bermúdez, Aurora
2021Variedades tradicionales, apuesta seguraMedina Lozano, Inés

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