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Showing results 5 to 10 of 10 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017BMP15 regulates the inhibin/activin system independently of ovulation rate control in sheepEstienne, Anthony; Lahoz Crespo, Belén; Jarrier, Peggy; Bodin, L.; Folch Pera, José; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Fabre, Stéphane; Monniaux, Danielle
2016The bone morphogenetic protein 15 up-regulates the anti-Müllerian hormone receptor expression in granulosa cellsPierre, Alice; Estienne, Anthony; Racine, Chrystèle; Picard, Jean-Yves; Fanchin, Renato; Lahoz Crespo, Belén; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Folch Pera, José; Jarrier, Peggy; Fabre, Stéphane; Monniaux, Danielle; Clemente, Nathalie
2012Determination of Anti-Müllerian hormone plasma concentration can help to select donor sheep for laparoscopic ovum pick-up: abstractLahoz Crespo, Belén; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Monniaux, Danielle; Fabre, Stéphane; Jarrier, Peggy; Cocero Oviedo, Mª Jesús; Folch Pera, José
2016Regulation of AMH type 2 receptor expression by Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 in ovine granulosa cells (abstract)Estienne, Anthony; Pierre, Alice; Di Clemente, Nathalie; Racine, Chrystèle; Picard, Jean-Yves; Jarrier, Peggy; Lahoz Crespo, Belén; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Fabre, Stéphane; Monniaux, Danielle
2013Relationship between plasma AMH at prepuberty and adulthood in sheep: abstractLahoz Crespo, Belén; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Monniaux, Danielle; Cocero Oviedo, Mª Jesús; Folch Pera, José
2015The use of plasma AMH in sheep as an endocrine marker of the ovarian respnse to FSH in MOET programs: abstractLahoz Crespo, Belén; Alabart Alvarez, José Luis; Cocero Oviedo, Mª Jesús; Monniaux, Danielle; Fabre, Stéphane; Folch Pera, José

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