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Showing results 29 to 37 of 37 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Participatory approaches and Social Network Analysis to analyse the emergence of collective action for rural development: a case study in the Spanish PyreneesTestona, M.; Sturaro, E.; Muñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Tenza Peral, Alicia; Raniolo, S.; Pisani, E.; Pachoud, C.; Ramanzin, M.; Martín Collado, Daniel
2021People’s attitudes about the agrifood system influence the value of ecosystem services of mountain agroecosystemsMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Ondé, Daniel; Ramanzin, Maurizio; Soliño, Mario; Sturaro, Enrico; Martín Collado, Daniel
2022People’s attitudes towards the agrifood system influence the value of ecosystem services of mountain agroecosystemsMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Ondé, Daniel; Ramanzin, Maurizio; Soliño, Mario; Sturaro, Enrico; Martín Collado, Daniel
2023Proyecto LIFE PollinAction: Análisis de la viabilidad de un eco-esquema para el fomento de polinizadoresMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Uldemolins Gómez, Pilar
2023¿Se puede ser sostenible dentro de una sociedad insostenible? Análisis de la evolución de la sostenibilidad de la gandería de montaña del PirineoMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Martín Collado, Daniel
2024Socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of mountain farmingMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Martín Collado, Daniel
2020A thirty-year analysis of trajectories of evolution of cattle farming systems in Central PyreneesMuñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Casasús Pueyo, Isabel; Lobón Ascaso, Sandra; Olaizola Tolosana, Ana; Martín Collado, Daniel
2021Two-decade evolution of livestock farming systems in Mediterranean arid rangelandsRjili, H.; Muñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Bernués Jal, Alberto; Jaouad, M.; Martín Collado, Daniel
2024Uneven development and core-periphery dynamics: A journey into the perspective of ecologically unequal exchangeCorsi, Giulio; Guarino, Raffaele; Muñoz Ulecia, Enrique; Sapio, Alessandro; Franzese, Pier Paolo

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