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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Cambio Climático y Agua: Mitigación y Adaptación en el Sector AgrarioAlbiac Murillo, José; Crespo Estage, Daniel; Baccour, Safa
2020Cost-Effective Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in AgricultureBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Kahil, Mohamed Taher
2022Hydroeconomic Analysis for Climate Adaptation Guidance under Future Climate Water StressBaccour, Safa; Ward, Frank; Albiac Murillo, José
2021Hydroeconomic modeling for assessing water scarcity and agricultural pollution abatement policies in the Ebro River Basin, SpainBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Kahil, Mohamed Taher; Esteban Gracia, Encarna; Crespo Estage, Daniel
2024Hydroeconomic modeling for sustainable water management of multiple uses and their adaptation to climate uncertaintyBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Esteban Gracia, Encarna
2023Managing climate risks: New evidence from integrated analysis at the basin scaleBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Ward, Frank; Kahil, Taher; Esteban, Encarna; Uche, Javier; Calvo, Elena; Crespo Estage, Daniel
2023Managing climate risks: New evidence from integrated analysis at the basin scaleBaccour, Safa
2023Managing the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus under future climate water stress scenarios in the Ebro Basin (Spain)Baccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Ward, Frank; Kahil, Mohamed Taher; Esteban Gracia, Encarna; Uche Marcuello, Javier; Calvo Calzada, Elena
2020Modelización hidroeconómica de la contaminación difusa y la escasez de agua en la Cuenca del EbroBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José
2018El potencial de mitigación de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de origen agrario en AragónBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Kahil, Mohamed Taher
2019El potencial de mitigación de las emisiones de GEI de origen agrario en AragónBaccour, Safa; Albiac Murillo, José; Kahil, Mohamed Taher
2019Tradeoffs between Water Uses and Environmental Flows: A Hydroeconomic Analysis in the Ebro BasinCrespo Estage, Daniel; Albiac Murillo, José; Kahil, Mohamed Taher; Esteban Gracia, Encarna; Baccour, Safa

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