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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Actividad respiratoria de tallos de borraja ( Borago officinalis L.) mínimamente procesadasNaval, D.; González Buesa, Jaime; Salvador, M.L.
2013Alternative Method for Determining O-2 and CO2 Transmission Rates Through Microperforated Films for Modified Atmosphere PacksGonzález Buesa, Jaime; Ferrer Mairal, Ana; Oria, Rosa; Salvador, María L.
2018Aptitud de variedades de melocotón de carne dura para el procesado en cuarta gamaGonzález Buesa, Jaime
2019An Arduino-based low cost device for the measurement of the respiration rates of fruits and vegetablesGonzález Buesa, Jaime; Salvador, María L.
2007Ascorbic acid and 4-hexylresorcinol effects on pear PPO and PPO catalyzed browning reactionArias, Esther; González Buesa, Jaime; Oria, R.; Lopez-Buesa, P.
2007Browning prevention by ascorbic acid and 4-hexylresorcinol: Different mechanisms of action on polyphenol oxidase in the presence and in the absence of substratesArias, Esther; González Buesa, Jaime; Peiro, J. M.; Oria, R.; Lopez-Buesa, P.
2022Calidad organoléptica y nutricional de la borraja (Borago officinalis L.) mínimamente procesada y envasada con film biodegradableVela, R.; González Buesa, Jaime; Salvador, M.L.
2018Calidad y mejora de la vida útil en fruta entera y mínimamente procesadaGonzález Buesa, Jaime
2023A COMSOL Multiphysics® 3D CFD Model for Describing the Gas Exchange Through MicroperforationsDíaz Vega, Sara; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2024Desarrollo de composites a partir de proteína de clara de huevo y subproductos hortofrutícolasBaquero Aznar, Victor; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2023Desarrollo de envases biobasados a partir de residuos y subproductos de la industria agroalimentaria de la provincia de TeruelGonzález Buesa, Jaime
2024Desarrollo de un sistema experimental para emular el efecto de los cambios de presión durante el transporte de productos hortofrutícolas envasados en materiales microperforadosVega Díez, Sara; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2024Development of a smart package for the shelf-life extension of black truffle (tuber melanosporum)Vega Díez, Sara; Baquero Aznar, Victor; Tejedor Calvo, Eva; Salvador, María Luisa; Sanz García, María Angeles; Sánchez Durán, Sergio; Marco Montori, Pedro; García Barreda, Sergi; González Buesa, Jaime
2024Effect of atmospheric pressure changes on gas transmission through microperforated packages of respiring productsVega Díez, Sara; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2024Effect of chitin nanocrystals on the barrier and mechanical properties of egg white protein filmsBaquero-Aznar, Victor; Calvo, Victor; González-Domínguez, José Miguel; Maser, Wolfgang K.; Benito, Ana M.; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2022Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and UV-C Irradiation on Postharvest Quality of Red RaspberriesGimeno Martínez, David; González Buesa, Jaime; Oria, Rosa; Venturini, María Eugenia; Arias, Esther
2014Effect of nanocomposite packaging containing different proportions of ZnO and Ag on chicken breast meat qualityPanea Doblado, Begoña; Ripoll García, Guillermo; González Buesa, Jaime; Fernández Cuello, Angel; Albertí Lasalle, Pere
2014Effect of non-conventional atmospheres and bio-based packaging on the quality and safety of Listeria monocytogenes-inoculated fresh-cut celery (Apium graveolens L.) during storageGonzález Buesa, Jaime; Page, Natalie; Kaminski, Chelsea; Ryser, Elliot T.; Beaudry, Randolph; Almenar, Eva
2024Effect of shellac coatng on the properties of egg white protein (EWP) films for cherry tomato packagingBaquero Aznar, Victor; Salvador, María Luisa; González Buesa, Jaime
2019Egg White Protein Film Production Through Extrusion and Calendering Processes and its Suitability for Food Packaging ApplicationsPranata, Maruscha Pfeiffer; González Buesa, Jaime; Chopra, Sangeeta; Kim, Kikyung; Pietri, Yamil; Ng, Perry K. W.; Matuana, Laurent M.; Almenar, Eva

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