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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Brucella abortus Ornithine Lipids Are Dispensable Outer Membrane Components Devoid of a Marked Pathogen-Associated Molecular PatternPalacios Chaves, Leyre; Conde Álvarez, Raquel; Gil-Ramírez, Yolanda; Zúñiga Ripa, Amaia; Barquero Calvo, Elías; Chacón Díaz, Carlos; Chaves Olarte, Esteban; Arce-Gorvel, Vilma; Gorvel, Jean Pierre; Moreno, Edgardo; Miguel López, María Jesús de; Grilló Dolset, María Jesús; Moriyón Uria, Ignacio; Iriarte, Maite
2018Identification of lptA, lpxE, and lpxO, Three Genes Involved in the Remodeling of Brucella Cell EnvelopeConde Álvarez, Raquel; Palacios Chaves, Leyre; Gil-Ramírez, Yolanda; Salvador Bescós, Miriam; Bárcena Varela, Marina; Aragón Aranda, Beatriz; Martínez Gómez, Estrella; Zúñiga Ripa, Amaia; Miguel López, María Jesús de; Leigh Bartholomew, Toby; Hanniffy, Toby; Grilló Dolset, María Jesús; Vences-Guzmán, Miguel Ángel; Bengoechea, José A.; Arce-Gorvel, Vilma; Gorvel, Jean Pierre; Moriyón Uria, Ignacio; Iriarte, Maite
2022Improving Rev1 vaccine safety in pregnant ewesMuñoz Álvaro, Pilar María; Andrés Barranco, Sara; Miguel López, María Jesús de; Conde Álvarez, Raquel; Zúñiga Ripa, Amaia; Salvador Bescós, Miriam; Aragón Aranda, Beatriz; Barberán Pelegrín, Montserrat; Marín Alcalá, Clara María; Iriarte, Maite; Arce Gorvel, Vilma; Gorvel, Jean Pierre; Blasco Martínez, José María; Moriyón Uria, Ignacio
2022Pathogenicity and Its Implications in Taxonomy: The Brucella and Ochrobactrum CaseMoreno, Edgardo; Blasco Martínez, José María; Letesson, Jean Jacques; Gorvel, Jean Pierre; Moriyón Uria, Ignacio
2012What have we learned from brucellosis in the mouse model?Grilló Dolset, María Jesús; Blasco Martínez, José María; Gorvel, Jean Pierre; Moriyón Uria, Ignacio; Moreno, Edgardo

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