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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Capturing the Drivers of Crop Water Footprints in Africa and its Regional PetternsGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Nechifor, Victor; Ferrari, Emanuele
2024Capturing the drivers of crop water footprints in Africa and its spatial patternsGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Nechifor, Victor; Ferrari, Emanuele
2021Capturing the drivers of social SDGs: An econometric analysis of the dimensions of health and education.Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Philippidis, George; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2021Eating your greens: a global sustainability assessmentPhilippidis, George; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar; M'Barek, Robert; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2021Economic Determinants of Industrial Water Demand: A Review of the Applied Research LiteratureGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Barberán Ortí, Ramón
2023Effect of Non-Tariff Measures on the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Agrifood Trade from Least Developed Countries to the High- Income CountriesGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel; Philippidis, George
2023Empirical insights on the dynamics of SPS trade costs: The role of regulatory convergence and experience in EU dairy tradeSanjuán López, Ana Isabel; Philippidis, George; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar
2020The Groundwater Demand for Industrial Uses in Areas with Access to Drinking Publicly-Supplied Water: A Microdata AnalysisGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Barberán Ortí, Ramón; Mur, Jesús
2021The impact of non-tariff measures in Spanish foreigh trade: A structural gravity approach.Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Philippidis, George
2022Live and let live: understanding the temporal drivers and spillovers of life expectancy in Europe for public planningGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel; Philippidis, George
2020Living at the Water’s Edge: A World-Wide Econometric Panel Estimation of Arable Water Footprint DriversGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Philippidis, George; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel
2021Non-tariff measures (NTMs) and intra-African trade.Sanjuán López, Ana Isabel; Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Philippidis, George; Ferrari, Emanuele
2023Sustainable development goals in the European Union and its regions: Are we moving forward in economic, social, and environmental dimensions?Gracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Ferrer Pérez, Hugo; Drabik, Drusan
2021Urban water demand for manufacturing, construction and service industries: a microdata analysisGracia de Rentería, María Pilar; Barberán Ortí, Ramón; Mur, Jesús

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