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Título : Molecular and physiological identification of new S-alleles associated with self-(in)compatiblity in local Spanish almond cultivars
Autor : Kodad, Ossama
Alonso Segura, José Manuel
Fernández i Martí, Angel V.
Oliveira, M. Margarida
Socias i Company, Rafel
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Citación : Ossama, K.; Alonso, J.M., Fernández i Martí, A.; Oliveira, M.M.; Socias i Company, R. "Molecular and physiological identification of new S-alleles associated with self-(in)compatiblity in local Spanish almond cultivars". Scientia Horticulturae. 2010, vol. 123, p. 308-311
Resumen : The S-allele characterisation of ‘Alzina’ and ‘Garonde` s’, two local almond cultivars from the island of Majorca, by a multidimensional approach has allowed the confirmation of the presence of the Sf-allele and the identification of a new allele not previously described in almond, S36. When these cultivars were phenotypically evaluated, both showed a self-incompatible phenotype and were cross-incompatible, as assessed by artificial self- and cross-pollinations and fruit sets after field pollinations, confirming that their Sf-allele is in its active form, Sfa. Thus a new CGI group in almond is proposed and named XXVIII. These results confirm the wide diversity of S-alleles in almond both at genotypic and phenotypic levels,as well as their imilarity with the S-alleles from other close Prunus species. This similarity suggests the possibility of allele introgression between species or allele identity by descent from a common ancestor
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/1566
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