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Título : Relación entre las características físico-químicas y ambientales del agua y el grado de introgresión genética encontrado en las poblaciones de trucha común en ríos aragoneses
Otros títulos : Relationship between genetic introgresion in brown trout populations and physicochemical and environmental features in north-eastern rivers in Spain
Autor : Mitjana Nerín, Olga María
Alabart Alvarez, José Luis
Blasco Martínez, José María
Clavero, J.L.
Josa, A.
Espinosa, E.
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Citación : Mitjana, O., Alabart, J.L., Blasco, J.M., Clavero, J.L., Josa, A., Espinosa, E. “Relación entre las características físico-químicas y ambientales del agua y el grado de introgresión genética encontrado en las poblaciones de trucha común en ríos aragoneses”. En: 41 Jornadas de Estudio. XIV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. AIDA. Zaragoza, España, 17 y 18 de mayo de 2011, pp.518-520. ISBN: 978-84-615-0062-8
Resumen : We tried to correlate the level of genetic introgression in native brown trout populations with some physicochemical and environmental features. Introgresión rates were calculated according the presence (assessed by PCR-RFLP as described by Mc Meel et al. 2001) of the LDH C1*90 allele in the populations, which is fixed in central European populations used for restocking, whereas LDH C1*100 is the fixed allele in wild Mediterranean populations in the area of study. Water quality variables were obtained from Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro data in 10-year series before sampling. Physicochemical characteristics as conductivity, pH, bicarbonates, temperature and Oxygen saturation were analyzed. Average, minimum and maximum, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were calculated for each of the above parameters. Populations were classified as wild (0% introgresión), low affected (less than 10% individuals), highly affected (10-50%) and severely affected (more than 50%). We found that highly affected populations are generally associated to higher minimum temperature and pH as well as to wide oscillations in oxygen saturation levels. Success in restocking using stocks of Atlantic domestic trout is strongly influenced by environmental features. Fortunately, wild populations show a better adaptation being able to colonise the most adverse environments. Restocking policies should be fully revised to preserve wild trout populations
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/2022
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