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Título : Calidad de la carne de tres categorías comerciales de raza Pirenaica
Otros títulos : Beef quality of three commercial categories from Pirenaica breed
Autor : Albertí Lasalle, Pere
Ripoll García, Guillermo
Casasús Pueyo, Isabel
Panea Doblado, Begoña
Blanco Alibés, Mireia
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Citación : Albertí, P., Ripoll, G., Casasús, I., Panea, B., Blanco, M. “Calidad de la carne de tres categorías comerciales de raza Pirenaica”. En: 41 Jornadas de Estudio. XIV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. AIDA. Zaragoza, España, 17 y 18 de mayo de 2011, pp.751-753. ISBN: 978-84-615-0062-8
Resumen : Carcass and meat of Pirenaica growing bulls usually has scarce subcutaneous and intramuscular fat, which can hinder meat quality. In order to increase it, bulls can be castrated or females can be fattened. To compare meat quality of three commercial categories, 8 young male bulls (A), 8 female nulliparous (E) and 8 castrated male (C) were fed concentrates until slaughter at 470 kg.The three meat categories of Pirenaica breed present a red-pale meat, tender of a rapid ageing time (7 days). Intramuscular fat content was different according to the category: leaner for young male, slightly fatter for female and intermediate for castrated. Intramuscular fat profile also showed differences, young male had lower percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids and greater percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids than females. The consumer can choose the marbling in high quality meat, with similar colour and texture.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/2039
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos
[RICA] Vacuno de carne

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