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Título : A Euro-Mediterranean deal in agro-food and fisheries trade: Long run impacts in Greece
Autor : Philippidis, George
Kitou, Elisavet
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Citación : Kitou, Elisavet and Philippidis, George.
Resumen : We employ a heavily modified ‘agricultural’ variant of the GTAP model and a realistic baseline scenario to assess the impact on the Greek economy from a hypothetical ‘hub and spoke’ and a ‘FTA’ EUMED agro-food and fisheries trade agreement. Long run estimates show that Greek agro-food and fisheries sectors are not seriously affected, where surprisingly, trade diversionary losses to Greece from the FTA scenario are minor given minimal south-south trade links between Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC). Further research shows that under complete CAP decoupling, notable additional welfare gains for MPC are realised, whilst Greece stands to lose approximately €300 million
URI : http://www2.cita-aragon.es/citarea/handle/10532/2104
Documento relativo: http://www.eng.auth.gr/mattas/11_1_1.pdf
ISSN : 1109-2580
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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