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Título : Mitigation and animal response to water stress in small ruminants
Autor : Pérez Redondo, Sara
Calvo Lacosta, Jorge Hugo
Calvete Margolles, Carlos
Joy Torrens, Margalida
Lobón Ascaso, Sandra
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Pérez, S., Calvo, J. H., Calvete, C., Joy, M., & Lobón, S. (2023). Mitigation and animal response to water stress in small ruminants. Animal Frontiers, 13(5), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.1093/af/vfad049
Resumen : Water stress is usually related to heat stress and decreased feed intake; so its effect is difficult to separate. Small ruminants are able to better adapt to water stress than other species, especially breeds from regions under harsh conditions. Mitigation strategies to water stress will be needed to maintain animal production. Breeding strategies are difficult to implement, and omics technologies are approaches that can help us to unravel the biological mechanisms involved in water stress adaptation.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/6642
Documento relativo: https://doi.org/10.1093/af/vfad049
ISSN : 21606056
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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