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dc.contributor.authorTahori, Nisrinees_ES
dc.contributor.authorFerrer Pérez, Hugoes_ES
dc.identifier.citationTahori, N. & Ferrer, H. (2023). Understanding the drivers of household food waste in Spanish regions. En: Gracia, A., Sanjuan A.I. & Gora, C. (eds.) (2023).XIV Congreso de Economía Agroalimentaria. Estrategias de los sistemas agroalimentarios ante los desafíos globales . Libro de Actas. Zaragoza: CITA, 2023. ISBN 9788409556939, p. 449-452.-
dc.description.abstractThe global issue of food waste has major impacts on the environment, economy, and society. It is well known that an estimated one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted, with private households being the largest contributor. Despite growing recognition, there is a shortage of consistent data that hinders comparison and track progress on reducing food waste across countries, sectors and regions. Our research aims at assessing the drivers of food waste at household level in Spain. It contributes the relevant literature by providing a novel dataset of food waste rates at regional level and the implementation of advanced panel data econometric techniques to assess the relative importance of macroeconomic drivers. The results will provide valuable insights for policymakers to take targeted measures in order to reduce food waste and enhance food security, and contribute to the broader literature on food waste, which is increasingly important for addressing population and climate change challenges.en
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spaines_ES
dc.titleUnderstanding the drivers of household food waste in Spanish regionsen
dc.bibliographicCitation.conferencenameXIV Congreso de Economía Agroalimentariaen
dc.subject.agrovocDesperdicio de alimentoses
dc.subject.agrovocAnálisis macroeconómicoes
dc.subject.agrovocModelos econométricoses
dc.description.otherfood wasteen
dc.description.othermacroeconomic driversen
dc.description.otherpanel dataen
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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