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dc.contributor.authorCasasús Pueyo, Isabeles_ES
dc.contributor.authorVillalba Mata, Danieles_ES
dc.contributor.authorJoy Torrens, Margalidaes_ES
dc.contributor.authorCosta-Roura, Sandraes_ES
dc.contributor.authorBlanco Alibés, Mireiaes_ES
dc.coverage.spatialCiencia animales_ES
dc.identifier.citationCasasús, I., Villalba, D., Joy, M., Costa-Roura, S., & Blanco, M. Replacement of Soya Bean Meal and Corn by Field Peas in Young Bulls Fattening Diets: Performance, Rumen Fermentation, Nitrogen Use and Metabolism. Social Science Research Network (Ssrn), 2024-
dc.description.abstractThis study explored the interest in field peas partially replacing soya bean meal and corn in beef fattening diets by assessing impacts on animal performance, ruminal fermentation, nitrogen (N) use and economic output. Thirty-two Parda de Montaña young bulls (210±24.3 kg BW) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (0%, 15%, 30%, 45% pea in isonitrogenous and isoenergetic concentrates. After 23 d adaptation, fattening was divided into Growing (first 134 d) and Finishing (from d 135 to 500 kg target slaughter BW). Gains were higher (P<0.001) and the DM intake and feed conversion ratio were lower (P<0.001) during Growing vs. Finishing. The proportion of field peas influenced DM intake (P<0.05) but did not affect days on feed, daily gains, the feed conversion ratio or carcass traits. Ruminal NH3-N concentrations were lower and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) were higher during Growing vs. Finishing (P<0.001). Ruminal fluid pH was higher and NH3-N concentration, total VFA and propionic acid were lower in treatment 0% pea (P<0.01), likely because of lower dietary protein and starch degradability. The intake of N did not differ among diets. Faecal N excretion was the lowest and urinary N excretion the highest in treatment 30% pea (P<0.05) during both periods, which was associated with higher ruminal NH3-N and plasmatic urea concentrations. The economic performance of treatment 30% pea was the best in four scenarios considering different relative feed ingredient prices. These results support the economic interest in including up to 30% field peas in beef fattening diets but, given the different N partition patterns towards faeces and urine, these alternatives’ environmental interest should be assessed at a territorial scale.en
dc.description.sponsorshipFinancial support for this project was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (INIA RTA2014-00038-C02- 01), the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (GenTORE, grant agreement No. 727213) and the Government of Aragón (Grant Research Group Funds, Group INPASS A25_23R).es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españaes_ES
dc.subject.otherAlimentación De Rumiantes-
dc.subject.otherFluido Del Rumen-
dc.subject.otherMetabolismo Del Nitrógeno-
dc.subject.otherNitrógeno No Protéico-
dc.subject.otherPisum sativum-
dc.subject.otherRendimiento Cárnico-
dc.titleReplacement of Soya Bean Meal and Corn by Field Peas in Young Bulls Fattening Diets: Performance, Rumen Fermentation, Nitrogen Use and Metabolismen
dc.typeJournal Contribution*
dc.subject.agrovocAlimentación de rumianteses
dc.subject.agrovocFluido del rumenes
dc.subject.agrovocPisum sativumes
dc.subject.agrovocNitrógeno no protéicoes
dc.subject.agrovocMetabolismo del nitrógenoes
dc.subject.agrovocRendimiento cárnicoes
dc.description.otherPisum sativumen
dc.description.otherbeef bullsen
dc.description.otherhigh-concentrate dietsen
dc.description.otherruminal parametersen
dc.description.otherN partitionen
dc.description.othereconomic analysisen
dc.bibliographicCitation.titleSocial Science Research Networken
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