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Title: Effects of the nutritional labels use on healthy eating habits in Spain
Other Titles: Význam používání údajů o nutriční hodnotě na obalu výrobků k dosažení zdravějších stravovacích návyků ve Španělsku
Authors: de-Magistris, Tiziana
Gracia Royo, Azucena
Barreiro Hurlé, Jesús
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Citation: Magistris, T.; Gracia, A.; Barreiro, J. "Effects of the nutritional labels use on healthy eating habits in Spain". Agricultural Economics - Czech. 2010, vol. 56, nº 11, p. 540–551
Abstract: This study aims at testing a theoretical model explaining why people follow healthy eating habits and in particular to identify how the nutritional labels use influences this behavioural pattern. The results indicate that the individuals who utilise more often the nutritional labels follow healthier eating habits, such as avoiding snacking between meals, a lower intake of salt and avoiding the fat intake. According the factors explaining the label use, the health knowledge, the bad health status and being aware of the diet-health relation are found significant. Age and household size are the sociodemographic variables which also affect the nutritional label use and eating habits. Findings provide more evidence on the consumers’ underlying motivations to pay attention to nutritional labelling, which allows evaluating the impact of the implementation of the regulation Ec 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and the council of 20 December 2006 on nutritional and health claims made on foods (regulation Ec 1924/2006). in addition, empirical results could help the local policy makers to establish appropriate market strategies to increase healthy eating habits by promoting the nutritional label use by consumers.
ISSN: 0139-570X
Appears in Collections:[DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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