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dc.contributor.authorBlasco Martínez, José Maríaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationBlasco, J.M. "Control and eradication strategies for brucella melitensis infection in sheep and goats". Contributions - Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Section of Biological and Medical Sciences. 2010,XXXI, 1, p. 145-165es_ES
dc.description.abstractAim: To describe the various strategies for the control and eradication of B. melitensis infection in sheep and goats. Methods: The advantages and drawbacks of these strategies are discussed on the basis of the author’s personal experience and a revision of the relevant literature. Results: Vaccination programmes in various combinations can be applied either to decrease the prevalence of infection in the animal population or, when combined with adequate complementary eradication measures, to achieve a brucellosis-free status. Conclusion: Controlling the disease should be the primary goal of the veterinary services involved. However, eradication should be the final objective of any control programme implemented. The selection of an eradication or control strategy is of paramount relevance, and a frequent cause of controversy among decision-makers. The final strategy should be established according to the quality of the veterinary services organisation, the economic resources available and the extent and prevalence of disease. Cooperation with farmers is essential to succeed with the application of even the most elementary control programme. When brucellosis is highly prevalent, mass (wholeflock) vaccination is the choice to control the disease, independently of the socioeconomic situation. Once effective control of the disease has been accomplished, its eradication is feasible. For successful eradication, the adequate quality and organisation of veterinary services, the strict control of animal movements and the provision of adequate economic compensation to affected farmers are compulsory. When the disease is fully eradicated, a surveillance strategy has to be implemented for the early detection of eventual new outbreaks or disease reintroductiones_ES
dc.subjectBrucella melitensises_ES
dc.subjectControl/eradication strategieses_ES
dc.subject.otherBrucella melitensises_ES
dc.subject.otherControl de enfermedadeses_ES
dc.subject.otherProducción y sanidad animales_ES
dc.titleControl and eradication strategies for brucella melitensis infection in sheep and goatses_ES
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