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dc.contributor.authorMartínez Royo, Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorLahoz Crespo, Belén-
dc.contributor.authorAlabart Alvarez, José Luis-
dc.contributor.authorFolch Pera, José-
dc.contributor.authorCalvo Lacosta, Jorge Hugo-
dc.identifier.citationMartinez-Royo, A., Lahoz, B., Alabart, J.L., Folch, J., Calvo, J.H. “Caracterización del gen receptor de la melatonina 1ª (MNTR1A) en la raza ovina Rasa aragonesa: asociación con la estacionalidad”. En: 41 Jornadas de Estudio. XIV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. AIDA. Zaragoza, España, 17 y 18 de mayo de 2011, pp.452-454. ISBN: 978-84-615-0062-8-
dc.description.abstractThis work focuses on the characterization and evaluation of MTNR1A as a candidate gene related to reproductive seasonality trait in the Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed. MTNR1A has shown influence on reproductive seasonality in other breeds. A significant effect was found between SNP606 of the MTNR1A gene and spontaneous out of season oestrous behaviour. The T allele was associated with cyclicity in Rasa Aragonesa breed. This finding, along with that this polymorphism does not result in an amino-acid substitution, suggest that SNP606 may act in linkage equilibrium with a mutation in other genes responsible for out of season breeding. New polymorphisms in the coding region (11 SNPs) of the gene MTNR1A did not show any association for breeding out of season in the Rasa Aragonesa breed. Association between the polymorphisms found in the promotor region (17 SNPs) and ciclicity have not been completed yetes_ES
dc.subjectOvis arieses_ES
dc.subjectReproductive seasonalityes_ES
dc.subjectRaza Rasa aragonesaes_ES
dc.subject.otherRazas indígenas-
dc.subject.otherProducción y sanidad animales_ES
dc.titleCaracterización del gen receptor de la melatonina 1ª (MNTR1A) en la raza ovina Rasa aragonesa: asociación con la estacionalidades_ES
dc.title.alternativeCharacterization and association studies berween melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) polymorphisms and reproductive seasonality trait in Rasa aragonesa sheep breedes_ES
Appears in Collections:[DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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