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Título : Salmonella spp. infection in piglets from Salmonella-positive breeding holdings
Autor : Casanova Higes, Alejandro
Andrés Barranco, Sara
Marín Alcalá, Clara María
Mainar Jaime, Raúl Carlos
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Citación : 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS 2016) and 8th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM 2016), Dublín, 7-10 june 2016
Resumen : The dynamic of pig salmonellosis during the first weeks of life is barely known. Studies suggest that Salmonella prevalence is very low as the percentage of shedders is low (<9%), but they are usually based on analyses of a small amount of fecal matter, which yield poor diagnostic sensitivity. Thus the true prevalence of infection is unknown, and therefore the potential of these young pigs to become shedders. This study shows results of a project aimed at assessing the level of infection in piglets from Salmonella-positive sow farms
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/3909
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/es/
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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