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dc.contributor.authorPhilippidis, Georgees_ES
dc.contributor.authorSanjuán López, Ana Isabeles_ES
dc.coverage.spatialEconomía agroalimentariaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationSustainability, vol. 10, (2018)-
dc.description.abstractThis study evaluates the performance of European Union (EU) member state biobased activities. More specifically, statistical clustering techniques, based on biobased sectors’ demand and supply driven multipliers, identify regional EU typologies of biobased sector performance. The aim is to establish sector-region combinations of biobased driven economic growth. The study employs a consistent macroeconomic accounting dataset, known as a social accounting matrix (SAM). The dataset (dubbed BioSAM), is enriched with detailed accounts for agrifood activities, as well as further contemporary sources and uses of biomass. The results identify cases where biobased activities are potentially important engines of growth, although this result varies considerably by EU region. Confirming previous literature, the influence of biobased sectors is very much dominated by demand driven economic growth, whilst one-in-three biobased activities is defined as ‘key’. Examining the regional EU cluster typologies, the ‘Eastern and Mediterranean’ region exhibits the strongest biobased wealth generation, whilst weak biobased economic performance is observed in the ‘Mediterranean Islands and Luxembourg’ regional cluster. Finally, a comparison with previous studies tentatively confirms that structural change, accelerated by the financial crisis, has elevated the relative economy-wide contribution of biobased sectors.en
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.titleA Re-Examination of the Structural Diversity of Biobased Activities and Regions across the EUen
dc.typeJournal Contribution*
dc.subject.agrovocCambio climáticoes
dc.subject.agrovocPolítica energéticaes
dc.subject.agrovocProducción biológicaes
dc.subject.agrovocSector agroindustriales
dc.subject.agrovocUnión Europeaes
Appears in Collections:[DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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