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Title: Zoning of a Newly-Planted Vineyard: Spatial Variability of Physico-Chemical Soil Properties
Authors: Mirás Avalos, José Manuel
Fandiño, María
Rey, Benjamín J.
Dafonte, Jorge
Cancela, Javier J.
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Soil Systems, vol. 4, num. 4, (2020)
Abstract: Soil properties show a high spatio-temporal variability, affecting productivity and crop quality within a given field. In new vineyard plantations, with changes in the initial topographic profile, this variability is exacerbated due to the incorporation of soil from different origins and qualities. The aim of the current study was to characterize the variability of soil properties in a newly established vineyard, and delineating zones for site-specific management of fertilization. For this purpose, the soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) in the first 150 cm was measured with an electromagnetic induction sensor. A soil sampling was performed following a regular grid (35 × 35 m, 149 samples), collecting samples down to 40 cm depth for determining soil chemical properties. Spatial variability was assessed through semivariogram calculation and ordinary kriging. The soil properties that better represent the variability in this newly established vineyard were pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), carbon content, clay and ECa. The ECa was homogeneous all over the vineyard, except for the area closer to the river where a greater human intervention had occurred, with contributions of external soil at a greater depth. Soil properties showed a great spatial variability. Interpolated maps allowed for detecting areas with a lack of nutrients in which a differential fertilization could be performed in search of a sustainable and balanced production. The information provided by the maps of pH, ECEC and carbon and potassium contents allow for performing a differential management of the vineyard in terms of fertilization. In addition, the results obtained suggest that the vineyard should be divided into two sectors for a differential irrigation management. The ECa was not significantly correlated to most of the soil properties determined in the current study; however, it allowed for a low-cost mapping of the vineyard soil and established large areas of management within the vineyard.
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