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Título : Livestock Keepers’ Attitudes: Keystone of Effective Community-Based Breeding Programs
Autor : Zoma-Traoré, Bienvenue
Probst, Lorenz
Martín Collado, Daniel
...(et al.)
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Citación : Sustainability, vol. 13, num. 5, (2021)
Resumen : Livestock keepers in southwestern Burkina Faso hold the local Lobi taurine breed, local Zebu cattle, and their crosses. Some communities in the region have begun to implement community-based cattle breeding programs (CBBPs), which involve animal tagging and recording and, potentially, also bull sharing. Based on the hypothesis that the participation of livestock keepers in CBBPs depends on their attitudes towards these programs, we used questionnaires to survey the attitudes of 125 farmers towards cattle breeding strategies and tools. Results were analyzed using principal component analysis. Farmers showed a highly positive attitude towards maintaining the features of their preferred cattle breed, but their attitudes varied substantially towards crossbreeding for breed improvement. Farmers generally agreed that performance was more important than animal appearance, and most of them were willing to cooperate with breeders’ associations but were skeptical about sharing their bulls with other farmers. The majority was reluctant to record performance data, which may be due to a capacity deficit and their confidence in being able to select the best animals based purely on phenotype. Our analysis suggests that breeders’ associations, as a key component of CBBPs, should lay down clear rules and obligations for their members from the outset. Timely consideration of farmers’ attitudes towards different breeding tools may improve their uptake and guarantee the sustainability of CBBPs.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/5305
Documento relativo: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/5/2499
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/
Aparece en las colecciones: [DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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