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Title: Occurrence and exposure assessment of aflatoxins from cocoa powder
Authors: Juan Esteban, Teresa
Salas, G.
Lorán, S.
Cancellón, M.
Herrera, M.
Herrera, A.
Carramiñana, J.J.
Ariño, A.
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Herrera, M.; Salas, G.; Lorán, S.; Juan, T. ; Concellón, M.; Herrera, A .; Carramiñana,J.J. ; Ariño, A. Occurrence and exposure assessment of aflatoxins from cocoa powder. Workshop Micofood [2024]. Micofood., 2024, 60-60
Appears in Collections:[DOCIART] Artículos científicos, técnicos y divulgativos

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