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Título : Influence of the FecX(R) Allele in Heterozygous Ewes on Follicular Population and Outcomes of IVP and ET using LOPU-Derived Oocytes
Autor : Lahoz Crespo, Belén
Alabart Alvarez, José Luis
Folch Pera, José
Sánchez Ruiz, Pilar
Echegoyen Pérez, Elías
Cocero Oviedo, Mª Jesús
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Citación : Lahoz, B.; Alabart, J. L.; Folch, J.; Sanchez, P.; Echegoyen, E.; Cocero, M. J. Influence of the FecX(R) Allele in Heterozygous Ewes on Follicular Population and Outcomes of IVP and ET using LOPU-Derived Oocytes. Reproduction In Domestic Animals, 2013, 48, 5, 717-723
Resumen : Contents Ewes heterozygous for the FecX(R) allele (R+) in the bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) gene display increased ovulation rate and prolificacy. Besides this phenotypic advantage, the influence of the FecX(R) allele on follicle number and size, oocyte competence and in vitro production (IVP) remains undefined. With these aims, 8 R+ and 8 wild-type (++) ewes were subjected to 2 laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) trials (four sessions per trial; two with and two without FSH) and subsequent IVP and fresh embryo transfer. All follicles >3mm were punctured (n=1673). Genotype did not significantly affect the number of punctured follicles per ewe and session (10.4 and 10.2 in R+ and ++ untreated ewes, 17.4 and 14.3 in R+ and ++ FSH-treated ewes, respectively), but follicular diameter of R+ ewes was significantly reduced compared with ++ ewes (-0.2mm in untreated and -0.8mm in FSH-treated ewes; p<0.01). R+ ewes showed higher recovery rate and increased numbers of total and suitable cumulus-oocyte complexes for in vitro maturation (IVM). Similar rates of day 8 blastocysts were observed in R+ (36.1%, 147/407) and ++ (32.6%, 100/307) ewes, but the final output of day 8 blastocysts per ewe and session was higher in R+ ewes (+0.75; p<0.005), without differences in survival rate at birth of the transferred embryos (40.4%, 21/52 vs 36.4%, 16/44, respectively). In conclusion, a higher number of oocytes proven to be competent for in vitro development and embryo survival after transfer are recovered from R+ ewes, despite the lower mean size of their follicles at puncture.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/7466
Documento relativo: https://doi.org/10.1111/rda.12150
ISSN : 09366768
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/
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