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Título : Alternative Method for Determining O-2 and CO2 Transmission Rates Through Microperforated Films for Modified Atmosphere Packs
Autor : González Buesa, Jaime
Ferrer Mairal, Ana
Oria, Rosa
Salvador, María L.
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Citación : Gonzalez-Buesa, J.; Ferrer-Mairal, A.; Oria, R.; Salvador, Maria L. Alternative Method for Determining O-2 and CO2 Transmission Rates Through Microperforated Films for Modified Atmosphere Packs. Packaging Technology And Science, 2013, 26, 7, 413-421
Resumen : Most experimental systems for measuring the permeability of microperforated polymeric films are static, mainly because in dynamic systems the small differences in pressure on both sides of the perforation may result in serious errors in the measurements. The O-2 and CO2 transmission rate through microperforations of different sizes (from 40x30 to 350x110 mu m) were determined in a static and in a dynamic system. In the latter case, rather than the diffusive flow, the hydrodynamic flow generated by the difference in pressure was measured (between 5 and 90mbar). This was determined by applying Bernouilli's theorem and an experimental equation potentially relating the area of the microperforation with the transmission rate. A comparison of the transmission rates obtained in both cases gives coefficients of determination close to one (>0.993). This means that measuring the hydrodynamic flow can be considered as an alternative for the quantification of the diffusive flow through a microperforation. This is a simple and quick methodology that does not require expensive equipment. Furthermore, this feature enables commercial leak detection equipment to be used to quantify diffusive transmission rates through microperforations. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10532/7470
Documento relativo: https://doi.org/10.1002/pts.1988
ISSN : 10991522
Licencia: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/
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